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We enable new connections through virtual exhibitions with robust networking capabilities & 3D immersive experiences.

(No special headsets, goggles or glasses required)


V-Expos is currently focusing on TheClimateSavers, a virtual exhibition and networking platform dedicated to 10 fields associated with climate change.


Visit us here to see what we can do!


We'd be happy to speak with you about your project as well. Please contact us below.

Image by Isaac Smith

Want to learn more, initiate an exhibition, join an exhibition, discuss working together, or share a comment or idea for how we can improve?


Let's talk!

- Our Partners -

Helping companies exhibiting on V-Expos achieve their goals.

We'd be honored to make an introduction.


(Click the logo to learn more about the partner.)

Want to partner with us?

Email us and let's talk.

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